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相鉄バス株式会社 [Sōtetsu Bus Kabushiki-gaisha]

Operators Details

Name相鉄バス株式会社 [Sōtetsu Bus Kabushiki-gaisha]
ShortcutSōtetsu Bus
Operators AttributesRegular Bus Operator
Other InformationSpółka-córka grupy Sōtetsu Holdings, jednocześnie właściciela kolei Sōtetsu (Sagami Tetsudō).
Daughter company of Sōtetsu Holdings, who is also the owner of the Sōtetsu railway (Sagami Tetsudō).

Zajezdnie / Garages:
- Yokohama Eigyōsho, 112-1 Minezawachō, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 240-0061
- Asahi Eigyōsho, 393 Shimokawaichō, Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 241-0806
- Ayase Eigyōsho, 847 Kozono, Ayase-shi, Kanagawa-ken 252-1121
Wszystkie linie (poza wykonywaną wspólnie z Kanachū linią 116) prezdrostek kanji biorą od zajezdni, która daną linię obsługuje (Yokohama: 浜, Asahi: 旭, Ayase: 綾). / All routes (aside from rte 116 operated with Kanachū) take their kanji stem from the depot that operates it (Yokohama: 浜, Asahi: 旭, Ayase: 綾).

Numery taborowe / Fleet numbers:
Czterocyfrowe, 1234, gdzie: 1 oznacza producenta i rozmiar pojazdu; 2 to ostatnia cyfra zakupu pojazdu; 34 to numer kolejny w podziale na 01-50 i 51-99 zamieniane co 10 lat.
Four digits, in 1234 format, where: 1 indicates the manufacturer and size; 2 is the last digit of the year of purchase; 34 is a consecutive number split into 01-50 and 51-99 swapped around every 10 years.

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
5759 Isuzu SKG-LR290J2 Erga Mio Non-StepIsuzuIsuzu ErgaIsuzu LR290JIsuzu 4HK1-TCN2017-
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6566 Mitsubishi Fuso KL-MS86MP Aero BusMitsubishi FusoMitsubishi Fuso Aero BusMitsubishi Fuso MS86M2005-
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Historic Fleet